Mico College Batch 151 had Founder's Day celebration on Friday, March 30 on the campus.After almost 20 years of entering the Mico, we returned to the Marescaux Road location for a grand day. In trur traditional style, we were hosted by current students and staff and we handed out a few awards.
That was not enough for some of us and we had brunch at Terra Nova on Sunday morning and walked in Emancipation Park in the afternnon.
l - r: Barbara and Grace
A good time was had by all!!!
Hi Carole,
This is Bev from the 152nd Batch. I did not see you at my reunion....Only Badger (SRO). I love the picture of Barbara and Grace....I would have loved to see more. Here is my site address...visit us and leave a message. www.mico152batch.com Later
We only have 478 members on The MICO 175th Anniversary Facebook page. We need to have by the end of this month 3000 MICONIANS there. As a good loyal MICONIANS doing all with your might, contact at least 10 MICONIANS who are not on this page and request that they join http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=104331933013 . (Send them the URL link)
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