Monday, April 2, 2007

Batch 151 - Mico College Reunion

Mico College Batch 151 had Founder's Day celebration on Friday, March 30 on the campus.After almost 20 years of entering the Mico, we returned to the Marescaux Road location for a grand day. In trur traditional style, we were hosted by current students and staff and we handed out a few awards.
That was not enough for some of us and we had brunch at Terra Nova on Sunday morning and walked in Emancipation Park in the afternnon.

l - r: Barbara and Grace

A good time was had by all!!!


MOSA NY said...

Hi Carole,
This is Bev from the 152nd Batch. I did not see you at my reunion....Only Badger (SRO). I love the picture of Barbara and Grace....I would have loved to see more. Here is my site address...visit us and leave a message. Later

Unknown said...

We only have 478 members on The MICO 175th Anniversary Facebook page. We need to have by the end of this month 3000 MICONIANS there. As a good loyal MICONIANS doing all with your might, contact at least 10 MICONIANS who are not on this page and request that they join . (Send them the URL link)