Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jamaica - Sport Policy Needed NOW

Jamaica has so much to gain from its recent superb performance at the Summer Olympic Games that it should pull out all the stops to complete the Sport Policy to help to guide the country's Sport Development Process. The process should include

improving the quality of life
using sport as part of a multi-faceted approach to solving complex social issues
building and maintaining sport infrastructure
attracting major events to Jamaica for economic benefits
voluntarism and active citizenship
Michael Hall, former SDF Chairman has supported my call in saying that "we should identify and link the elements of sport development and establish a mechanism that will provide the foundation from which Jamaica full sporting potential can be realised."

The policy should also seek to set out guidelines for the reduction of inequities associated with gender, age and social class. The strategy should also address the issue of funding required to maintain the programmes.

The role of the Sport Development Foundation (SDF), Institute of Sport (INSPORT) and the Social Development Commission (SDC) MUST be enhanced. The efforts must also seek to collaborate with the Ministries of Education and Health

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